Cecil the Lion


Pamela Robinson’s video of Cecil the Lion shows off just how majestic this animal was.

By now most people would have learned of the news that Cecil the Lion has been killed on a professional hunt, by an American dentist from Minnesota. This hunter seems to have a reputation for controversy, Mr. Walter Palmer our now infamous dentist, has been in the news for the wrong reasons before

It appears that the professional guide, Mr. Theo Bronkhorst of Bushman Safaris, is now facing criminal charges for allegedly killing Cecil the lion on 1 July 2015 on Antoinette farm on Gwaai Conservancy, Hwange district beside Hwange national park. According to the statement released by Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, they believe that the operation was well orchestrated and well-funded. The statement read “It is alleged that the hunter connived with the Antoinette land owner, Mr. Honest Trymore Ndlovu to kill the lion. Ongoing investigations to date, suggest that the killing of the lion was illegal since the land owner was not allocated a lion on his hunting quota for 2015.

See more at http://africageographic.com/blog/excellent-quotes-and-updates-on-cecil-the-lion/

On the information we have seen to date, it seems likely that the guide, and the client knew exactly what they were doing. The probability of making a mistake certainly exists, in other words they may have enough reasonable doubt in their favour to have genuinely hunted Cecil in error. It would be extremely foolhardy to think that they could get away with killing a lion tracked by a radio collar…

However, the ethics of setting up a hunt by baiting lions out of the park, onto a conservancy where no permit exists and then using a near-silent bow, perhaps to avoid detection – not to mention destroying the collar once they realized they had killed a protected animal – is just wrong!


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  1. […] Cecil the Lion causes an… […]

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